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Friday, January 21, 2011

Selling My Books on the Streets of Brooklyn 1/21

Only three or so inches of snow this time. Unfortunately, an arctic blast is following. Temperatures are not expected to rise above 25 for the next few days, and the wind is supposed to be stiff, so I don't know when the floating bookshop will reopen. The good news - another day closer to spring. I must say that the leafless trees looked pretty this morning. The snow gave them a cheery look. The sun was out by 9AM too, but there was too much moisture being blown about to risk putting out books.
I got a call from the made man today. He has caved a little. I hope it isn't too late. He wants to set up a meeting between his lawyer and the actor's in order to sign a confidentiality agreement. The actor can remain anonymous. My instinct tells me the offer will be declined. If no meeting occurs, the MM will want his treatment returned. I hope it hasn't been shredded. And I hope the MM realizes it can be copied before it is returned. Given Hollywood's reputation, I don't blame him for being wary, but risks have to be taken to succeed. I remember how afraid I was of theft when I first began writing 36 years ago. Looking back, I realize how silly I was. Then again, none of my work will ever have the commercial potential of the MM's. Of course, the actor and I fear the situation will turn ugly. All I wanted to do was help the MM out. His story deserves to reach agents and producers. Whether it merits ever going into production is an entirely different matter. Of course, I was hoping to score some kind of finder's fee, but I would not be so foolish as to insist on one. My life is probably too sedate, anyway. I may have some drama coming.
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