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Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The Writer's Life 11/21 - Ladies & a Few Gentlemen

Remember when Eve Ensler's The Vagina Monologues was all the rage amongst leftists? Alas, the PC police have caught up to it. Eastern Michigan is the third college to have banned it, citing its "lack of trans-sensitivity and overall lack of diversity and inclusion." There is no bottom to this sort of absurdity.

Given Michelle Obama's popularity, it's surprising that Dems are not pushing her as a presidential candidate, especially since the current front-runners are so dubious. It doesn't matter that she's as unqualified as her husband was. As things stand at the moment, it seems she'd have a real shot at defeating President Trump - perish the thought.

Is the Ivanka email issue a big deal? Probably not, but the left will make it one.

From, edited by yours truly: Internal decapitation results from extreme trauma to ligaments, muscles and joints connecting the skull to the spine, leading to the dislocation of the head from the spinal cord. It is often fatal. Those who survive can have significant neurological impairments. A Michigan man witnessed an accident involving his wife and immediately rushed to her aid, holding her head in place as he spoke to dispatchers through a cell phone held to his ear by the other driver. Once at the hospital, the woman couldn't move or breathe on her own. She communicated by blinking. Months later she's back on her feet and has resumed homeschooling her two daughters. She still undergoes physical therapy twice a week. Her surgeon said: "It's one of the most remarkable things I've ever seen." I'd love to be at their table as they give thanks tomorrow.

I have a lot to be thankful for. Most Americans in good health do. What I am most grateful for, even though two years have passed since the election, is that Hillary is not President of the United States. It even surpasses my appreciation for book sales. Of course, she may run again - perish the thought.

I did not make a decision on the location of the floating book shop until the last second. When I saw the flag at the corner of East 13th and Av. Z fully extended I knew I had to go elsewhere. I doubted it would be a full session, as clouds had moved into the area. I told myself to expect a goose egg. Fortunately, luck was with me. The sun popped out every now and then, taking the bite out of the wind and cold. When a woman who spoke no English bought seven books in Russian, I was so happy I wouldn't be leaving with nothing. Oddly, people kept buying. My thanks to the aforementioned young lady, and to the middle age one who purchased Danielle Steel's Vanished; and to the other who selected a collection of 50 American short stories; and to the teenager who chose Kevin Trudeau's Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You To Know About and How to Get Out of the Hospital Alive: A Guide to Patient Power by Sheldon Paul Blau; and to the young man who jumped on Get Anyone to Do Anything: Never Feel Powerless Again--With Psychological Secrets to Control and Influence by David J. Lieberman; and Johnny, who bought Stephen King's The Waste Lands: The Dark Tower- Book III, Death Benefit by Robin Cook, and a sci-fi paperback. That was the easy part. Since we're going to Jersey tomorrow and my eldest niece is not working, I had to make room for her in the back seat of the old Hyundai. I loaded two large canvas bags with books. Knowing the elevator in our
co-op is out of service, I had to make a choice of one or two trips. Of course, I chose the former. It wasn't easy getting that stuff up two flights. I couldn't manage it without resting the bags on every third or so step. I'm sure I will be very sore tomorrow. Good food should lessen the pain.

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