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Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Writer's Life 6/1 - Around the Horn

Kudos to President Trump for being politically incorrect and refusing to lead the USA into the bogus European climate agreement, a spurious plan only politicians could concoct. I was afraid he would cave, especially when I heard he'd invited Al Gore to the White House to discuss it. It appears Trump has yet to become a politician, which is exactly what a lot of us who voted for him had hoped.

I always chuckle when I get an email from Linked-In informing me that someone wants to be adde to my "network." I doubt any member has less influence in the business world than me.

A sign of the times from the Fast Takes column in today's NY Post: At its peak, there were 5000 malls in the USA. There are now 1100, and 400 of those are scheduled to close.

From the Post's Weird But True column: Burglars used a blow torch to break into an ATM machine at a bank in the state of Washington. One problem - they burned up all the cash inside of it. Back to the drawing board.

The funniest item of the day involves Mr. Met, the mascot of the Amazin's, who gave the finger to fans last night after a 7-1 loss to the Brewers. The anonymous perp, one of several who don the costume, joins Kathy Griffin on the unemployment line.

How 'bout the jokers in the Wisconsin town of Sussex, who left the signage on a water tower half painted. Why the heck were they working backwards, if not to perpetrate a practical joke?

My thanks to Al the Mensch, who purchased a book on European history published in 1965, to Ira, who bought the massive pictorial on the history of Broadway, to the gentleman who bought the book on making millions in real estate, to Barbara, who donated a hardcover Lisa Gardner thriller, and to my Tuesday benefactress, who showed up two days late with pictorials on Judaism and JFK, and a large tome on retirement planning. I had a visit from local artist, Romanian-born Andu Soare, who has decided to embrace being bi-polar. When I asked if he was taking any meds, he said the only thing that helps is marijuana. I hope he keeps it together. He's so talented.  
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