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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Writer's Life 10/12 - Irredeemable

Here are the most interesting items from today's NY Post: There are two books on government abuses drawing interest -- Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice by Sidney Powell, and Three Felonies A Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent by Harvey Silverglate and Alan M. Dershowitz... Hillary has criticized Trump's verbal treatment of women. Betsy McCaughey points out her hypocrisy by citing the lyrics of Beyonce: "...I come to slay bitch... When he f--k me good I take his ass to Red Lobster..." HRC has said she hopes to be as good a president as Beyonce is an entertainer... Here's another leftist term gaining popularity -- "Cultural Appropriation." An editorial cites a Barnard College lecture on it in which the speaker bemoans the teaching and performing of yoga by people other than Asians, and non-Latinos doing Zumba workouts. Hasn't the world progressed through the ages because of cultural appropriation? Just when you think campus life can't get anymore ridiculous... And from the Weird But True column: Americans love cars, obviously. A Florida man showed just how much. As Hurricane Matthew approached, he cleared his living room, opened its double doors, and parked his BMW there. He said: "I wasn't risking anything. This car is absolutely my pride and joy."

I really enjoy it when liberals eat one of their own. Billy Bush served his purpose, egging Donald Trump on in that infamous tape, and now, in a bow to political correctness, must walk the plank. If there is an afterlife, dead Soviets must be smiling at the burning of a useful idiot. Meanwhile, the latest batch of Wikileaks emails should put to rest the debate of bias in the mainstream media. It is collusion on a wide scale. Any elected Republican who speaks out against Trump gives credence to the belief that the USA is governed by a one-party system. Trump is right to fight back against them. Despite a majority in both houses of congress, Obama has outmaneuvered them constantly. The most troubling of the latest emails may be the one about Hillary's dream of a totally open border. Her contempt for so many "irredeemable" Americans is infuriating. The Donald is trailing by double digits. He has nothing to lose by hammering home about Hillary's unfitness for office. As one of the "deplorables," I am energized for the stretch run of a presidential campaign like never before. If we are to fall to the socialism of the elites, let's go down with a fight. I'm even tempted to make a cash donation, which I've never done for any politician. I think the Sicilian in me will win out on that one, however.  

And now for something positive and beautiful. Here's a pic of the lovely Kate Middleton gazing at Johannes Vermeer's masterpiece, Girl with the Pearl Earring. I have no idea and don't care if it was a planned publicity stunt. It's great:

Since there is a heavy Jewish presence in my neighborhood, I decided to take the floating book shop to Park Slope today, Yom Kippur. I had to lug two crates a long way -- only 20% of my inventory these days -- but an angel came along and made the effort worth it. My thanks to Sara, who asked which of my books I considered the best. She bought Killing, a novel about an Italian-American family. How appropriate on Columbus Day. My thanks also to the Latina who bought Stephen King's Full Dark, No Stars.
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