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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Selling My Books on the Streets of Brooklyn 11/5

I broke a long winning streak today. It had become a sort of game. I hadn't visited an ATM since March 2nd thanks to the employment Arlynn and Bob threw my way, and the dollars I earned running the floating bookshop. I doubt the next streak will be longer than two months, unless my latest novel, Killing, brings in more dough than I expect once it is posted to Kindle. It will probably follow a familiar path, an initial burst of sales to family and friends, and then largely indifference, an occasional sale here and there. There's only one way to find out - try.
According to an article on FoxNews. com, wind farms disrupt radar, causing blank spots in national defense and the forecasting of weather. Millions have been spent to solve the problem. This further illustrates that everything has some kind of drawback. I thought wind energy had great potential, although it eats up a lot of land and kills thousands of birds. Now I'm not so sure. We're still many miles away from finding sources of energy that work as well as oil and natural gas. That doesn't mean new sources shouldn't be sought, but it would be nice if in the meantime the traditional ones were given carte blanche. Of course, greeniacs fear that lower prices will doom innovation. I don't know why that should be. Any genius that comes up with a viable source of alternative energy will be rich and famous. That seems to be plenty of incentive, especially when many in government are willing to pick up the tab for the research.
Thank you to Jack, Chase employee, who bought five thrillers today on Bay Parkway. I ran into Vinnie, a former employee of that same bank, who is now in web design. A customer asked if he missed the bank. "Hello, no," he said, "just a minute inside brought back the bad morale."
Read Vic's stories, free:

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