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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Selling My Books on the Streets of Brooklyn 4/28

Got lucky today. No, not that way - wash your mind out with soap. Arlynn's treatment went flawlessly, so I was home well ahead of the start of the latest storm and able to set up shop briefly at the viaduct, which led to the sale of a bag o' children's books to Kofi, who purchased Close to the Edge about a year ago. He was surprised I remembered him. He has a name easily associated with someone and therefore fileable in the memory - Kofi Annan, the former U.N. official. Thanks, sir.
Last Saturday I forgot to use a couple of coupons, two dollars worth. The Sicilian in me would not let it go. I had the paperwork in my wallet and, as soon as I'd put the crates in the trunk, I headed to customer service at Stop n Shop. To my surprise, they made up for my oversight with their cash. What a country! I would have said: "Tough noogies. It was your own fault." And later I found a parking spot good not only for Alternate Side tomorrow but close enough to my usual corner so that I won't have to lug the crates very far. Amazing how things work out some times.
I enjoyed Inception, although I was puzzled by most of it, as I was by Christopher Nolan's breakthrough film, Memento (2000), which I also really liked. Maybe he's just a lot smarter than the rest of us. His films certainly reflect keen intelligence. Insomnia, Batman Begins and The Dark Knight are some of his others. How is it a British director understands the Batman myth better than the Americans who have tackled it? Tim Burton's Batman was good, but Batman Returns was forgettable except for Michelle Pfeiffer's great turn as Cat Woman. Joel Schumacher's attempts were less than mediocre, although several made a lot of money. Anyway, Inception is science fiction at its best. The story involves entering a person's dreams and the theft of ideas. Leonardo DiCaprio has added another fine performance to his long resume. The sets and action are first rate. Pay strict attention. There will be a quiz later. On a scale of five: four.
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