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Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Writer's Life 11/9 - Linked

Here's the final line from Jonathan S. Tobin's op-ed piece in today's NY Post: "...  If they wish to avoid a battle over a virtual coup via impeachment in 2019 that’ll ensure an eventual return to liberal government, Republicans need to stop whining and get to work." Truer words were never spoken.

Another Post article reveals a troubling find: Undercover inspections of TSA screeners, security procedures and equipment revealed a failure rate of 80%. No one has less confidence in government than I, but even I would never imagine such a level of incompetence.

A Post blurb reports how much the USA war bill has been since 9/11 - $4.3 trillion. That's a lot of money, but there's no clear way of knowing whether the spending prevented attacks on the homeland. Of course, a significant percentage of it was likely wasteful, but that's true of just about all government functions.

I'm amused each time I receive an email stating: "I'd like to join your LinkedIn network." I always comply, as it is on behalf of someone I know, usually from my days at the Commodity Exchange, but the person's chance of advancing his/her career through an association with my "network" is practically nil.

Here's the cover I've chosen to use for my ninth book:

My thanks to the sweet elderly woman who donated four books in Russian and insisted on paying for three she selected; and to the gentleman who purchased a pocket Russian-English dictionary; to Wolf, who bought a cowboys and indians paperback translated into Russian; to the gentleman who selected Orhan Pamuk's Snow for a friend; to the one who talked me down to a dollar for an Alfred Hitchcock compilation of mysteries: and to Michael, who returned from Florida just in time for the arctic blast that's on the way. He bought an obscure romance, as he frequently does.
Vic's Sixth novel: 
Vic's Short Works:

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