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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Selling My Books on the Streets of Brooklyn 3/14 - Loopholes

Given its good reviews, I really looked forward to watching Looper (2012). Although I enjoyed it, I had trouble following the plot. It's another time travel story with fresh spin. The theme has always been problematic. I am skeptical that it will ever be a reality, and even more so of it being as precise as depicted in the film. That said, there are several elements I really liked. There are minimal special effects. Its budget was only 30 million, chickenfeed these days. It doubled its return stateside. The characters are interesting. Most of the violence was filmed from a distance or from the characters perspective, which makes it tolerable. Hats off to Bruce Willis for taking on such an unsavory role and to Joseph Gordon-Levitt for allowing himself to be made up almost beyond recognition to look like a younger Bruce Willis. In the latter stages, the film turns to another common sci-fi theme, which acts as a sort of twist. As for its problems besides the confusing storyline: there is gratuitous nudity. Perhaps it was included knowing that an R rating was guaranteed given the bloodletting and language. The flick was directed by Rian Johnson, who also wrote the screenplay. I am unfamiliar with his other work, but look forward to his future efforts. It is rated 7.6 at IMDb. On a scale of five, I rate it 3.25, which might rise on a second viewing, especially if it includes closed-captioning.

On cue, liberals in the media bashed the selection of the new pope. Of course, they're not fooling anyone. They would be satisfied only if the Catholic Church approved abortion on demand, contraception, gay marriage, and women in the priesthood. Trouble is, where would the millions who oppose one or all of these things turn if the Church caved? Then again, the goal of many liberals is a completely secular society that eliminates God and exalts human elites. It's not complicated. Anyone who does not like the teachings of Catholicism is free to choose another denomination which encourages all of the aforementioned.

Too much wind, not enough sun made for a short session for the floating book shop today. My thanks to Maddy and Herbie, who bought books, and to the FED-EX employee who donated a huge pictorial on Japan's recent earthquake and tsunami. Another day closer to Spring.
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