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Thursday, October 4, 2018

The Writer's Life 10/4 - Yes, My Fellow Travelers

From the NY Post's Weird But True column, in my own words: A Brit who claims to be a time traveler has passed a polygraph test. He says that he's met telepathic robot-human hybrids in 8973, and that everyone will be time-traveling by 2028. Holy smoke - I may be alive to experience it! Remember the advice George Costanza gave Jerry when he was about to undergo a polygraph administered by the policewoman he was dating, who didn't believe he didn't watch Melrose Place: "It’s not a lie… if you believe it.” Here's a pic of the real Dr. Who, who has terrible news for liberals - President Trump will be re-elected:

An article in the Post reports that 88 million Americans - one in three - eat fast food each day. That should set the killjoys off.

From Yahoo's Odd News, in my own words: Police in northern Minnesota have been getting calls about birds that seem drunk. They are inebriated. They've been ingesting berries that have fermented earlier than usual this year because of an early frost. Authorities say they'll eventually sober up. Here's one of the offenders:

It appears Brett Kavanaugh has passed his seventh FBI investigation. This should satisfy liberals  - not!

My thanks to the middle age woman who bought the Danielle Steel translation in Russian, and to Ira who purchased a trivia book, and Creative Dreaming: Plan And Control Your Dreams to Develop Creativity, Overcome Fears, Solve Problems, and Create a Better Self by Patricia Garfield, and The Manhattan Madam: Sex, Drugs, Scandal And Greed Inside America's Most Successful Prostitution Ring by Kristin Davis. Special thanks to the Latino gentleman who parked his bike and, as usual, paid a lot more than I asked, this time for a little booklet, threeXthree, titled Desire.

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