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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Writer's Life 9/6 - Around the Horn

Remember when the Zika virus was the latest health scare? A surprising and encouraging development has occurred. A report issued by Washington University in St. Louis claims that the virus kills the stem cells of the most common form of brain cancer. (From a blurb in the NY Post)

A fun controversy has arisen in MLB. Boston Red Sox management has admitted the team stole the signs of the NY Yankees in a recent series - using an Apple Watch. Hey, there are apps for seemingly everything - why not for sign-stealing signs? I never understood the outrage over this type of theft. It seems part of the game. And it's no surprise that modern technology is now involved.

I believe President Trump did right in giving the reprobates in Congress six months to act on DACA. Of course, the left is feigning outrage over the move. Five years ago Obama signed an executive order instituting it despite knowing it would not hold up to legal scrutiny, yet since then not a single Democrat stepped up to sponsor a bill to make it law. My guess is none wants to be on record promoting a move unpopular with the majority of voters. I wouldn't be surprised if the spineless branches of both houses keep kicking it down the road. Meanwhile, Cher says she’s ready to provide sanctuary by opening up her home to illegals. She bought this Beverly Hills beauty for $2.1 million. If she's serious, kudos for putting her property where her mouth is.

From Yahoo Sports: A fire raging in the Pacific Northwest didn't stop hackers at the Beacon Rock Golf Course in Bonneville, Washington. This may be a candidate for photo of the year:

The rain held off long enough for the floating book shop to operate a regular session. Although the returns were disappointing, the effort was worth it due to the reappearance of Occupy Jack, who I hadn't seen in months. He sold his co-op and moved to Florida, where his son lives. He says he's making a fortune selling jewelry. He drove up in his van, which was parked across the street. I didn't even think to ask if he was escaping Hurricane Irma. He bought 10,000 Answers: The Ultimate Trivia Encyclopedia by Stanley Newman and Hal Fittipaldi, and gave me a hug. My thanks. I've missed his unique brand of madness.
Vic's Sixth novel: 
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