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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Writer's Life 5/4 - Persons of Interest

RIP Navy Seal Charlie Keating IV, 31, who was killed in action in Iraq by ISIS. Words cannot express the debt Americans owe him.

Kudos to Ted Cruz for bowing out of the race, and congratulations to Donald Trump for winning the nomination. Now he is free to go after Hillary. Experts believe the national demographics favor Democrats. The estimates are that the party begins with 47% of the vote locked in. I've always been skeptical it's that high. I'd guess between 40-45%. After all, union members frequently vote Republican, as Governor Scott Walker's success in Wisconsin has proved. Anyway, now the question is: does Trump change those numbers? After all, he has been a liberal socially, and it remains to be seen if he is a conservative fiscally. I doubt he is, but I suspect he would not be nearly as profligate as the left has become. Although the Democratic race is already locked up, I really enjoy seeing Clinton lose a primary, as she did last night in Indiana.

All of the following was gleaned from today's NY Post. There are no direct quotes. I've reworded all of it: Johnson & Johnson has lost two recent lawsuits, $55 and $72 million, to women who claim long term use of its talcum powder caused ovarian cancer. I'm not a doctor nor do I play one on TV. May not the fault lie in the failure of their genes to fight off the disease? There must be many products, besides the obvious such as tobacco, that are deleterious to health in the long run. Which will be the next company to be sued? It seems like open season... In a similar vein, a blurb announces a disturbing stat that will make patients think twice: medical errors are now the third leading cause of death behind cancer and heart disease. They kill 250,000 people annually... From the Weird But True column: Need a day off from work or school but have exhausted all plausible excuses? will provide one for a fee. The site includes a disclaimer -- it will not accept responsibility for any legal action that might arise... From a blurb on Michael Goodwin's page: Renee Fleming was honored for her 25 years at the Metropolitan Opera House. In her address the diva said she has a great idea for a new show: Donald Trump: The Opera. She would play Megyn Kelly. It got a big laugh... A bus driver in Chinatown pursued two men who stole luggage from the storage space in his vehicle. He tore off the rear bumper of their SUV, license plate and all. The thieves are still at large but should be easy to track down.

Person of Interest returned to CBS last night for its fifth and final season, 13 episodes. It's still ludicrous, the body count very high, but don't take my word for it. The series is rated 8.4 of ten by 116,000+ users at IMDb.

My thanks to the gentleman who bought nine DVDs, the one who purchased a book in Russian, and to Mother Nature, who provided a long rain-free, though bone chillingly damp window. I also got a nice shot in the arm from a woman who'd just read the part in Rising Star where two members drop acid. "It brought back memories," she said.
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