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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Selling My Books on the Streets of Brooklyn 4/2 - Zealots

I tend to tune out these days when either the media or an individual mentions climate change. I don't know what's going on with the climate, if storms are more severe than in the past and, if so, what is the cause, although I doubt it's all attributable to man. In an op-ed piece in today's NY Post, Rich Lowry cites recent findings that have a few zealots questioning themselves. Here are highlights:
“'Over the past 15 years air temperatures at the Earth’s surface have been flat while greenhouse-gas emissions have continued to soar,'” The Economist magazine writes. “'The world added roughly 100 billion tons of carbon to the atmosphere between 2000 and 2010. That is about a quarter of all the CO2 put there by humanity since 1750.'” (The rest are all Lowry's thoughts) "Yet, no more warming... None of this means that the Earth didn’t get hotter in the 20th century, or that carbon emissions don’t tend to create a warmer planet, or that warming won’t necessarily begin again. It does mean that we know less about the fantastically complex global climate system than global-warming alarmists have been willing to admit. Hey, but don’t worry. The science is all 'settled.' ...What is beginning to seem more likely is that the 'sensitivity' of the global climate to carbon emissions has been overestimated. If so, the deniers will be the last to admit it."

Just saw a headline about a poll in which 13% of Americans believe President Obama is the anti-Christ. This proves that zealotry is not restricted to the right or left, as if any more proof is required. I knew people who believed the same of President Reagan and, of course, it is common knowledge that Dubya was the devil incarnate. I always thought it was George Steinbrenner and the Yankees evil empire.

Global cooling returned to Brooklyn today in the form of a stiff, icy wind. I was wearing seven layers, a baseball cap and two hoods, and still felt the cold. Somehow I managed to last until 1:30, sustained by Herbie, who bought a book on great theater actors, and by the donations of a FedEx employee and a woman from my building, whose name I've forgotten. Among the lot were several gems, a beautiful pictorial on the Tour De France, a history of the Chicago Cubs, and novels by Ann Rice and Tess Gerritsen. Thanks, folks. The forecast is identical for tomorrow. Well, writers must suffer for their art.
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