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Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Writer's Life 10/12 - Free to Choose

I've been eagerly awaiting this move since I heard of it a couple of weeks ago. President Trump has signed an executive order that will allow small businesses and individuals to form associations to sponsor coverage that can be marketed across state lines. The new policies also do not have to provide the 10 “essential health benefits” covered under ObamaCare, including maternity care, emergency room visits, mental health treatment and others. Members would be paying only for the coverage they choose. It will likely attract the most healthy individuals, those who need the least care, particularly the young, many of whom have chosen to pay the abominable ACA fines rather than be coerced into expensive coverage they don't need at this stage of their lives. The hope is the move will incite free market competition that will eventually lower costs for every American, not just those in enrolled in the new plans. Do I know that it will? Of course not, but at least the idea errs on the side of freedom. No doubt it will incite a firestorm from the usual swamp suspects, many of whom receive massive donations from insurance companies. Don't back down, Mr. President.

I had another visit from Mountain Man today. He has an interesting take on the Weinstein scandal. He believes the brother initiated it in order to save the company, which would have faced massive lawsuits with Harvey as its head. Given how easy it is to sue anyone these days, I doubt the ouster will prevent the suits. Will it minimize the damage, however, and allow the company to survive and eventually thrive again?

Happy Birthday, Mark, 69, retired postal worker and Vietnam veteran. His age hasn't stopped him from trying to find a companion. He's been communicating online with an Air Force officer who has been assigned to Australia, where she's living in a tent in the jungle. She hates it.

My thanks to the burly gentleman who bought Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance by Barack Obama, Invisible by James Patterson and David Ellis, The Scorpio Illusion by Robert Ludlum, and The Lazarus Vendetta by Robert Ludlum and Patrick Larkin. The biggest surprise of the day was the lack of action on the Danielle Steel translations into Russian.
Vic's Sixth novel: 
Vic's Short Works:

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