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Friday, April 3, 2015

The Writer's Life 4/3 - Wins & a Loss

Now that travel restrictions have been lifted, enterprising Cubans are renting their homes to tourists via AIRnb at an average of $43 a night, considerably less than hotel rates, but a collosal rise in the standard of living for those islanders. I love capitalism! If Fidel were dead he would be spinning in his grave.

I had a great surprise yesterday at Facebook. Bob B., who was one of my roommates at 524 Oak Street in Kalamazoo, Michigan circa 1972, friended me. He was of Hungarian descent, I believe. Whenever he went home for the weekend, he returned with goodies baked by his grandma. One was pronounced something like ka-lotch-kee. I think I ate more of them than he did.

I created a new file for Close to the Edge and hit the upload button at Create Space, anticipating rejection. Lo and behold, the file was accepted, so there will be new print copies soon. I didn't see anything in Authorhouse's Book Cancellation Form that said I couldn't use the cover or the ISBN number. I would like to keep them for continuity's sake. Other than the elimination of a host of spelling errors, the only changes are slight. I dropped a lot of howevers and he wondereds. The story is exactly the same except for the addition of a few lines, a brief encounter Vinnie has with an old-timer to show he is not completely incapable of levity. I'm not expecting many new print sales, but I still believe the book is worthy and should be available to the public. My main goal was getting it on to Kindle. I'm glad I made the move. If not, all those spelling errors would have remained.

Since it was drizzling at 11AM, I went to Plan B today, hauling only Russian books and paperbacks in English to the viaduct at East 15th. I didn't bring any copies of my own books, so I wasn't in the best frame of mind, especially given my struggle getting Edge up at Create Space. Unfortunately, the strategy didn't work, but you don't know unless you try, or so you tell yourself. Some sessions I feel like a complete idiot out there. This was one of them.
Vic's 5th Novel:'s 4th novel:
Vic's 3rd Novel:
Vic's Short Story on Kindle:
Vic's Short Story Collection:
Vic's 2nd Novel: Kindle:
Vic's 1st Novel:
Vic's Rom-Com Screenplay:
Vic's Horror Screenplay:

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