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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Selling My Books on the Streets of Brooklyn 7/7 - Lucky 7's

I was standing out there wondering if I were loco in the cabeza. Although it didn't feel quite as hot as yesterday, it was hot enough. Naturally, in my haste to get out there, I'd forgotten to pilfer a bottle of water from my sister's fridge. More than an hour went by without a word from passersby, then Bad News Billy rolled up in his car to hit the Chase ATM. The dude has a heart of gold, which makes him an easy mark. His wife left him, his grandkids live with him, his daughters take advantage of him. Through it all, he remains upbeat, despite health issues. Today he said he was taken for 60 bucks by one of his son in laws, who made up a story about his son having wet the bed and the need for a massive washing at the laundromat. It must be on Park Avenue. Despite this, Billy insisted on buying books. As he left he said I'd one day, having found success, look back on the trial and laugh. I already am successful, my friend, although in a small way. Several times Billy's generosity has gotten the ball rolling at the floatin book shop. Several minutes later a middle aged woman approached, sipping on a smoothie and speaking on her cell phone. She overpaid for two works of non-fiction, one on Zen, the other on ethics. Then lovely young Aziza, about 20, I'd guess, approached the strange man hawking books on the street. What a doll! She asked about all my books and selected Killing, as it was closest to the historical fiction she prefers. She seemed Asian, perhaps Filipino or Indonesia, but the origin of her name is Arabic. Some guy is going to be very lucky. I hope he appreciates it.

Having rolled a seven, I decided to pack up early and visit my sister, who is rehabbing a broken hip, in which a surgeon placed two pins. When I arrived at the rec room of the center, she and Isabella, my oldest niece, were playing solitaire. "No cheating," I said, approaching, drawing a laugh. The pain has subsided but my sister is still unable to walk on her own. She has had no therapy the entire holiday weekend. There is no timetable. The guess is three months. Fortunately, she seems in good spirits. It would all be so much easier if she were moved to the center that is a ten-minute walk from the old house. Lutheran Hospital is situated so that it takes my nieces at least an hour to get there by public transportation. I was there in under 15 by car. My sister has her first cell phone and has received calls from family and friends. She has a stack of books and now a deck of cards to keep her busy. She has never watched much TV, which is odd, as when my brother in law was still alive it was always on. I'm thrilled to report that Isabella has not smoked in months.
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