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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Selling My Books on the Streets of Brooklyn 2/8 - 3rd Eye

I passed by the Chase bank while on my way to Burger King and saw that there was a slot big enough for the floating book shop between the mounds of snow. I wasn't optimistic, as parking remains a problem. To my surprise, I found a spot immediately. My thanks to the kind folks who made purchases.

Here's another excerpt from my horror screenplay, All Hallows. In it, five nuts escape an asylum and terrorize a small town. It's available on Kindle for a buck, link below. This piece is a five-minute read:

   Part 38: Richards' car. He pulls into a clearing and brandishes the knife menacingly.
   Richards: Party time, mi amor.
   He cuts the tape that binds her ankles. She kicks at him. He grabs her by the hair and puts the gun to her head.
   Richards: You can have it one of two ways, mommy. I blow your brains out right now or I do you. A girl your age can't have any pretensions to purity. I want you to live - don't you understand that? I know you'll never forget me. You'll have nightmares about me for the rest of your life. That gives me such a rush.
   The Sheriff has crept up on them. Richards drags Angel to the woods by the hair. She has a flashback of her rapist doing the same. Richards twists her to the ground. He plants a foot on her chest, seizes a corner of the tape covering her mouth, and looks into her eyes, gun pointed at her. He rips at the tape.
   Angel: Sucio.
   Richards: Oooh, that's such a turn on. Can you scream for me in Spanish? Ay, Popi.
   He lifts his foot from her and pulls at his belt buckle. Angel kicks him in the crotch. He fires. The bullet grazes her cheek. The Sheriff bolts toward them.
   Sheriff: Angel!
   She has scrambled away. He runs right into a shot, which strikes him in the chest. He falls back into bushes.  Richards, on his knees, gasping, rises, shaken.
   Richards: Come out, Mommy, or lover boy gets his last rites. He may not be dead, you know. He may only have a belly wound. It takes a long time to die from one of those. Come out and he might have a chance.
   Angel, unsure of herself, fights to remain silent. Richards moves in for the kill.
Richards: How d'you think he'll look with a third eye, mommy? "I shot the sheriff,/ but I did not kill the deputy ...."
   Angel rises and runs off. Richards pursues. The Sheriff, who had donned a bulletproof vest, was waiting, shotgun ready, Richards briefly in his sights. He fires and misses. He has a flashback to Vietnam, a camouflaged enemy soldier eluding him. Silence ensues. Soon a hushed voice calls out.
   Angel: Barney?
   Sheriff: Here.
   He remains on the ground. She finds him, kneels, and leans her head against him. Blood from her cheek stains his.
   Angel: I thought you were ....
   Sheriff: So did the V.C...
   He winces.
   Angel: What's wrong? Did it penetrate?
   Sheriff: No. It just feels like somebody hit me in the chest with a sledgehammer.
   Angel: Take these cuffs off me.
   He does so.
   Angel: Gimme your gun.
   Sheriff: No way. Help me up.
   She does so.
   Angel: You're in no shape for this. Gimme the gun.
   Sheriff: You know CPR? I feel like I'm goin' into cardiac arrest.
   Angel: Lay down.
   He kisses her forehead.
   Sheriff: That was a joke, cowgirl.
   She takes him by the hand, steps toward the woods. She slips a hand into his pocket and takes the car keys, without his knowing it.
   Angel: C'mon, I saw him go this way.
   Sheriff: No, this way. He may be crazy, but he's no fool. He'll circle back to the car.
   Angel: Where's yours?
   Sheriff: 'bout a hundred yards back of the other one.
   Angel: At least let me have the shotgun.
   He gives it to her. She runs off on a tangent.
   Sheriff: Damn you.
   He watches her, smirks.
   Sheriff: Wonderful sense of direction.
Vic's 4th Novel:
Vic's 3rd Novel:
Vic's Website:
Vic's Short Story Collection (Print or Kindle):
Vic's 2nd Novel:
Vic's 1st Novel:
Vic's Horror Screenplay on Kindle:
Vic's Rom-Com Screenplay on Kindle:
Vic’s Short Story on Kindle:

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