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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Selling My Books on the Streets of Brooklyn 10/16 - Warped

Occupy Jack set up shop in Union Square in Manhattan yesterday. He sells t-shirts and posters he designs with an online program and has printed at a local printer. At one point he was joined by a group of Hare Krishnas. He danced with them and blew his whistle in time to the music they were banging out. Some squatted in the lotus position upon mats. Fascinated little children approached and stared at eye level.

Old Smokey visited the floating book shop today and wore out his welcome, gabbing away in one-hour sessions, broken up when Marie gave him recyclables he redeemed at CVS. He missed his court session yesterday, as he didn't have enough money for the subway fare. He has vowed to remain in his apartment until the marshals evict him. He refers to it as his "prisoner of war camp." Things constantly go missing from it. He believes thieves are targeting him. I'd bet he simply loses or misplaces stuff. I hope he isn't given the boot until next spring. Winter is right around the corner and he has nowhere to turn.

Marie has been one of the angels in my life, buying Killing, which she gave a glowing review, Close to the Edge, and four copies of A Hitch in Twilight, three of which she's given to friends as a gift. Here's her Amazon review of Hitch:
"Warped and wonderful, very entertaining. Stories that will take us on journeys that are highly unlikely to occur in this life. I found The Sad Song very moving, and emotional. Dream Father struck me as very funny - also pointing out how warped my sense of humor is. Yes, warped is good!" Thanks, my dear, and also to the two women who bought paperbacks today. To my surprise, none of the ten books in Russian I had on display sold. Two women who buy them regularly have been MIA this week.
Vic's 4th Novel:
Vic's 3rd Novel:
Vic's Website:
Vic's Short Story Collection (Print or Kindle):
Vic's 2nd Novel:
Vic's 1st Novel:
Vic's Screenplay on Kindle:
Vic’s Short Story on Kindle:

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