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Thursday, February 7, 2019

The Writer's Life 2/7 - Mixed Bag, Mostly Fun Stuff

In a recent interview, Liam Neeson made a comment I expected would draw widespread criticism. As a young man, after hearing of a friend's rape, he fantasized about killing a random black person. To my surprise, I haven't heard of any fallout, which I hope is a sign that the rampant accusations of racism are finally started to recede. Having been plagued periodically throughout my life by similar despicable thoughts, I was not repulsed by the star's admission, but I wondered if it were wise. Then, recalling the leisurely proof-reading I've just begun of what will probably be my final novel, I chuckled. It is stream of conscious set in NYC, basically a day in my life as it was in October 1989, just after the San Francisco earthquake. Within the first few pages the protagonist thinks "know-it-all Jew" and a bit later questions Hasidim and dubs Diana Ross a white woman. I'm sure worse will follow. Of course, I can't speak for the subconscious of all human beings, but I'd be surprised if most aren't plagued by similar thoughts on a daily basis. It would be dishonest to omit them, although it would be understandable that some folks would believe they shouldn't be written about at all. I'm simply fascinated by human beings.

The news about marijuana has been fairly negative recently, but a blurb in today's NY Post should brighten the spirits of those who favor its legalization. A Harvard study has found that male users have a higher sperm count than non-users. Note to guys struggling to conceive: light up.

Advertising is usually intelligent, clever. Once in awhile a real boner is foisted on the public and folks wonder how it wasn't foreseen by the smart people who work in the industry. Such is the case with a partnership between Delta Airlines and Diet Coke, which encouraged hook-ups between airline passengers. Here's a pic of the napkins involved in the pitch. In case the one bottom right is hard to read, it says: "be a little old school. write down your number and give it to your plane crush. you never know." The campaign was scrapped after it was ridiculed on social media. Both companies have issued an apology.

The Democrats horrendous week continues. A photo of know-it-all liberal icon Joy Behar in blackface has surfaced. This is too much fun. Who's next? P.S. - I don't believe she, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, Sarah Silverman, Billy Crystal or Joni Mitchell is racist. Here's the foxy lady when she was 29:

My thanks to the young woman who bought Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms, Louisa May Alcott's A Long Fatal Love Chase, and Famous Last Words, a young adult book by Katie Alender; and to the gentleman who purchased Russell Baker's Book of American Humor; and to the elderly Latina, who selected yet another thriller, They Won't Be Hurt by Kevin O'Brien.

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