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Monday, February 11, 2019

The Writer's Life 2/11 - Rebel, Rebel

"Rebel Rebel, how could they know?" - David Bowie.

I haven't watched the Grammy's, or any other awards show, in ages. I find them to be colossal bores. Besides, I'm largely out of touch with modern music. I'm not knocking it. I just don't know much about it. I'm sure I would love today's hits if I were young. While perusing this morning for fodder for the blog, I was stunned by pictures of two young singers who attended last night's bash in attire that showed support of President Trump. Joy Villa and Ricky Rebel, native Californians, have significant careers going in what seems, in my research, second tier pop status. That isn't criticism. It's quite an accomplishment to get that far. Rebel, 38, born Godinez, bisexual, has been in the limelight since 1996, first as the frontman for groups Authority and Harlow, now as a solo artist. He has cut five albums under his stage name. Villa, 32, has been at it since 2001. She has cut an EP and numerous singles. She credits Scientology with helping her succeed. Are they true MAGA-ists or merely publicity starved? It seems their support is genuine. I don't know if they caught any guff from their peers at the event, but their social media feeds have attracted a lot of negative attention. I wonder if they subscribe to the theory attributed to P.T. Barnum that "There is no such thing as bad publicity." I hate when artists flout their political views, but this was so surprising I decided to share. Here is Rebel:

And here is Villa:

And here is Villa's Vagabonds video: 

And now Rebel's If You Were My Baby:

Things didn't look good for the floating book shop today. Since it was overcast, I expected to spend a lot of time in the car, out of the cold. The absence of wind made a big difference. I was able to hack more than two hours outdoors. As I was setting up the display, I noticed that someone had left a present - a puddle of vomit. Since the two cars parked behind me were taking up four spots, I had nowhere else to go. The last boxes ended about five feet from the puke. I was sure potential customers would be turned off by the sight and smell. The wares were also several more feet from the curb than usual, as I had to work beyond a square of dirt, so I was worried about blocking the flow of sidewalk traffic. Fortunately, it worked out nicely despite the impediments. My thanks to the woman who bought a cook book, an instructional on building country furniture, and six kids' books; and to the woman who purchased three paperbacks in Russian; and to the one who selected a hardcover in that language; and to the sweet elderly woman who brought me one of Chase's lollipops. Not bad for a session where I'd expected zero returns.

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