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Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Writer's Life 1/27 - Accomplishments

I've resisted replying to egregiously asinine leftist posts at Facebook for a long while. The only person I tore into lately is a fellow conservative who suggested the President declare martial law. I wrote: "We're trying to prevent becoming a banana republic, not become one." Yesterday someone posted that Trump does not have a single accomplishment. That really bothered me, but I held my piece, knowing the guy is a good person deep down, and is just infected with the insanity that has afflicted liberals. Here's a link to an October article by Paul Bedard. Of course, half the country would disagree about many of these being accomplishments, just as half would argue that Obama's Iran deal, the ACA, and the "stimulus" package were disastrous.

I ventured to Park Slope today and had a visit from a couple of young boys in blue. I sensed they were going to approach when their SUV parked at the bus stop. They were very polite and said that several people had called in a complaint that a certain someone was panhandling. "I'm selling," I said. "I'll leave if you want me to." They said it wasn't necessary and that it was just a head's up. "It's the neighborhood," said one. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised given that it's Red Billy's neck of the woods. He's NYC's head busybody. Here's what irked some:

My thanks to the gentleman who selected The Dead Zone by Stephen King, and to the young woman who chose Hideaway by Dean Koontz; and to Roy, who bought Killing, the first street sale of one of my books in 2019. He'd made a run to McDonald's and was on his way back to his own book stand two blocks up at 9th St. & 6th Av.. 

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