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Friday, January 11, 2019

The Writer's Life 1/11 - Tough Tony & Other Delights

Yesterday I posted a pic on Facebook of the 1975 Lafayette H.S. JV, which I was privileged to coach. It's drawn a lot of responses. One of my former charges is a firefighter in the Pacific Northwest, which is not surprising, as he was an action guy, perhaps the toughest kid, pound for pound, I ever coached. I've since referred to him as Tough Tony. The protagonist of the soon to be published Inside Out has finished his run as a coach. At one point he recalls a cherished moment:

... He would never forget the sight of the South Shore fullback leveling Anthony Cabales with a block so ferocious, helmet catching him just under the facemask, that it cast him into the air and flat onto his back like a pancake - and the violent collision between the two on the very next play. There wasn't a trophy anywhere in the world that would adequately reflect what had taken place there - two young men going at life to the hilt. It was a wonder Anthony's head hadn't been torn off, yet, somehow, he'd not only risen but fought back with everything he had. The sequence encapsulated the essence of the game itself.

Costco’s “doomsday” product line is taking off. Its 26-pound bucket of macaroni and cheese, shelf life of up to 20 years, has sold out. This must be driving government busybodies out of their narrow minds.

And Cheesy Bacon Fries are scheduled to hit McDonald’s nationwide on January 30th. Let the howls from the nutrition police begin.

A 78-year-old retired North Dakota farmer carved out a message of support on his property:

The brilliant sunshine made the floating book shop a snap today, despite the cold temperature. My thanks to the gentleman who bought the Robin Trower concert DVD, and to the woman who purchased a thriller in Russian; and to the young man who selected Danielle Steel's Lightning.

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