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Thursday, August 16, 2018

The Writer's Life 8/16 - Dragon's Breath

RIP Aretha Franklin, 76, the "Queen of Soul," one of the most popular singers of all-time. Her 1967 recording of Respect remains a great listen to this day. She won a boatload of Grammys and was the first female elected to the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame. Well done, madam. Thank you.

I've wondered if the legalization of marijuana would have negative unintended consequences. Until today I hadn't read anything that suggested the consequences were anything but benign. A brief article in today's NY Post reports that more than three dozen people in New Haven overdosed on pot laced with fentanyl. A few of the cases were life-threatening, some of the people not responding to the anti-overdose drug Naloxone. I realize that the mix is vastly different from smoking regular ganja, but I wonder if the liberalization of society's attitude makes it easy for those who want to experiment further to rationalize their behavior.

Another article in the Post informs of an odd food trend. Suffolk County Long Island health officials are cracking down on businesses selling a confection called Dragon's Breath, which is made by dipping a cereal such as Fruit Loops into liquid nitrogen. Officials warn that it can cause frostbite, skin tissue damage and even suffocation. Why do people consume this? An article at may have the answer: "Skewer the sweet and crunchy puff, toss one into your mouth, and you’ll start breathing out a cloud of smoke for a few seconds." Of course, this encourages selfies. Here's what the product looks like:

Although I'm in almost complete disagreement with the policies of NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, I don't believe he's stupid, even though he comes off as incredibly stiff, almost a dullard. Does he really believe he will be elected president by claiming America was never great? Good luck with that.

My thanks to the kind folks who bought, donated and swapped books on this hot afternoon, especially the young man who purchased Five Cents

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