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Monday, April 20, 2015

The Writer's Life 4/20 - First Draft

I woke up with a short story in my head. The timing couldn't have been more perfect, as the floating book shop was rained out today and I had more to do than just the killing of time. Uusally, I know exactly what inspires a story, where it comes from. This time I haven't a clue. It's a simple tale of criminals. It runs three hand-written pages, in the area of 1000 words. I've already figured out the ending. The title, Decisive, came to me in the last few lines. All it needs now is refinement. Here's the first 100 or so words:

   The buzzer sounded and she breezed into the jewelry shop, smiling broadly. She browsed a while. Finally she summoned one of the two men at the counter and pointed out three expensive bracelets she wanted to examine closely.
   "Take your time," said the young man. "We don't get movie stars in here too often."
   "That's so sweet. Thank you." She wasn't about to say he was mistaken, especially since he may only have been flirting.
   She chose the most expensive, $25,000. She gave the guy a hang dog look. "Can you give me a break on it? How 'bout twenty?"
   He smiled. "Deal. Cash or credit?"
   She dug her wallet out of her bag and handed him a card. Minutes later he returned, beaming.
   "Okay, Miss Smith. Would you like it gift-wrapped?"
   She shook her head. "No. It's for me -- a gift to myself."
   She put the box in her bag, looked the man in the eye, and said: "Bye."
   She paused at the door, as there was a dapper young man beyond it, waiting to be admitted. She stood aside for him, gazing into his brown eyes.
   Wow, she thought -- hot, hot, hot.
Vic's 5th Novel:'s 4th novel:
Vic's 3rd Novel:
Vic's Short Story on Kindle:
Vic's Short Story Collection:
Vic's 2nd Novel: Kindle:
Vic's 1st Novel:
Vic's Rom-Com Screenplay:
Vic's Horror Screenplay:

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