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Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Writer's Life 12/31 - Another Year in the Books

In separate op-ed pieces in today's NY Post, Peggy Noonan and Kyle Smith cite historical inaccuracies in PBS' The Crown and Hollywood's The Post. Richard Nixon did not start the Vietnam War - he ended it. True, he tried to prevent publication of The Pentagon Papers, not in self-interest but to protect others, including JFK and Lyndon Johnson, both Democrats, who were cited in the report for lies about the war. The PP's were completed before Nixon took office. The press never forgave Tricky Dick for his involvement in the House Un American Activities Committee. He was instrumental in the conviction of Alger Hiss, who was accused of spying. When the Venona Papers became public in the '90's, they seemed to suggest that Hiss was indeed a Soviet agent - and that the Rosenbergs were guilty. The VP's were based on the  interception and decryption of messages. Nixon governed as a liberal. Not only did he end the war, he recognized China, set wage and price controls, and signed the country's first environmental regulations into law, but those moves did nothing to lessen the left's hatred of him. He handed his enemies the rope with which to hang him by engaging in the cover up of the inane Watergate break in. I'm not trying to redeem his reputation. I thought he was a terrible president, but no one had been treated more unfairly by the media until Donald Trump was elected Commander in Chief. I don't write historical fiction, although I use historical events as background in my novels, to a great extent in Killing and Five Cents. I did not embellish. In reading about what occurs in The Crown, which I have not seen, it seems the series has obliterated the line between poetic license and truth, and rewritten history. And it seems there's nothing to do about it but cite the violations in opinion articles.

There is rioting in Iran by citizens fed up with the government. President Trump has tweeted about it. He is more optimistic about the situation than I. I've never been to Iran, but it seems most people there, and throughout the entire Middle East, prefer Islamic rule. Even Turkey, long a secular state, has been moving toward Islamic rule under Erdogan. I hope I'm wrong. On a positive note, more than a year later, I'm still grateful Hillary Clinton did not ascend to the throne.

After picking up the laundry at the old house, I was tempted to swing by the Chase bank on Bay Parkway to see what the wind was like there, where it is often blocked. Common sense prevailed. I went home, did a DIY buzz cut of my hair and a crossword puzzle, then did the final tally of the floating book shop's returns for 2017. I earned a few hundred more this year than last, but street sales of my own books dropped off considerably, 65 to 45. Three of my books are profitable: A Hitch in Twilight, Killing and Rising Star. Exchanges and Five Cents are close to breaking even. Billionths of a Lifetime has an outside shot of getting there. My first two novels, Close to the Edge and Adjustments, will probably always be in the red. I consider them learning experiences. I closed the year minus $930. That figure will rise by about $250 when I purchase copies of Present and Past, which should be available soon. Of course, when the proceeds of the floating book shop are considered I'm thousands ahead of the game. It's been on the shelf for five straight days, and will be tomorrow also. Fortunately, I've been reading an interesting novel to help fill the time. Still, I'm antsy. One of Rising Star's songs is titled Wintertime Blues. I'm trying to avoid that feeling. It won't be easy if this cold snap continues to be relentless. Right now it looks like I may be able to set up shop on Wednesday - before the temperature takes another dive. Another positive - my checking account has about $200 more than at this time last year.. Damn lucky.

Vic's Sixth novel: 
Vic's Short Works:

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