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Friday, October 21, 2011

Selling My Books on the Streets of Brooklyn 10/21

There was an interesting editorial in the New York Post today by Jonathan Tobin, explaining why Israel would trade 1000 terrorists for one of their captured soldiers. In short, he believes the peace process is dead for the foreseeable future. Concession after concession has failed to bring the enemy to the bargaining table. Muslims have not stopped killing or trying to, so what does it matter who will be doing the murdering, even those among the 1000 who choose to resume their evil ways. How do you negotiate with those who have vowed your destruction? I wouldn't have made the trade, but an overwhelming majority of Israelis supported the move, which came with a hawk, Benyamin Netanyahu, in power. I suppose they want to prove their superiority morally. I doubt it will change many hearts and mind.
Congratulations to the President on the success in Libya. The former dove has become a hawk. His remaining supporters have trumpeted his gains in the War on Terror as proof of his fitness for office. I think I have it right now: the terrible economy is still Bush's fault, and all the success in fighting terrorism is attributable to Obama. The eight years of groundwork laid by the previous administration has had nothing to do with it. Such is politics. Well, at least we can be happy that a lot of monsters are being killed rather than brought to trial. The responsibilities of the presidency will bring even the most liberal of men face to face with cold reality. Well done, Mr. President. Syria, anyone?
Thanks to Mr. Chow, long-time mailman, who purchased a book on Warren Buffett, as I knew he would. And thanks to the young woman who purchased Marek Halter's Sarah, a novel based on the biblical figure.
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  1. I agree, there is no negotiating with an enemy who's stated vow and aim is to kill you. Sad, too, that Muslims, Christians, and Jews, who all worship the same One God of Abraham have shed so much blood between them over differing beliefs. To me, the ultimate oxymoron is the "Holy War."

    Marvin D Wilson

  2. Thanks for reading, Marv. Many book sales.
